It shouldn’t be this way, but our state’s poorly written security deposit law needs an explainer. So do many other laws.
AI can be a useful tool for landlords, but could also land you in hot water with fair housing laws.
A 2022 fire at 2 Gage St. killed four; former residents of the property begged board members not to grant Affordable Housing Trust money for a new build.
Evictions for non-payment will be delayed until RAFT applications are approved or denied, with no mention of added supports for housing assistance.
The new proposed federal limits on lead dust are up to 10 times lower than what Massachusetts deleading laws currently allow.
As sea level rise increases, hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts properties will be damaged and reduced in value in coming years. Numbers tell the story.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for August 2023 details some improvements to our website infrastructure and our governance.
Getting a refreshing break as a landlord is a matter of taking the time and forethought to put necessary parts in place in your absence.
Induction stoves are efficient, environmentally friendly and easy to use. Here’s how to get your tenants – and your property – on board.
Creative zoning solutions are one answer to the national housing crisis; single-family restrictions are harming growth.