The Home Depot Benefit

Transcript: The Home Depot Benefit

Resource Person:

Douglas Quattrochi - Doug

[Start 0:00:00]

Hi and welcome to this business update. This time it will be a members-only business update. I pretty can see it but will apply to a member benefit.

Today, we’ll be talking about our Home Depot Benefit. For those of you who don’t know, our Home Depot Benefit is one of the many benefits we have available for members, and you can see it on our join page. You scroll down, and you can look at for instance the Home Depot Savings Box. Let me explain everything about it.

Of course, everything we do is all about full disclosure, and you can see the exclamation mark, which is what draws your eye. Our Home Depot Benefit doesn’t apply to everything; the point is it applies possibly to something you buy at all departments, so we don’t know based on market or pricing whether the Home Depot Benefit will apply to any given purchase, but on average, it’s a powerful member benefit. It’s something that we want to make sure everybody takes advantage of. It's changed, which is why we have a business update.

If we look particularly at what’s new here, we have rotated our phone numbers because we want to make sure that these are available for members only. So you have to register yourself at There is a dash in there. The QR code will take you there, and basically once you register, you’ll be able to get a QR code on an app that will make the checkout process very easy, and for some of the custom-pricing desks like window treatments, you’ll get a phone number. Many of us have the phone number from before, but that is different. As of July 15th, that old phone number no longer works.

Now if you’re not logged in to the site, you’ll see that you can’t access the Home Depot Benefit. That’s okay. Just log in and you’ll see it will turn into members-only content, and you’ll be able to get that QR code and that phone number to access your savings at Home Depot.

[End 1:52:00]




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