The illegal practice of landlords charging new tenants brokers’ fees could be addressed with a little enforcement of current laws.
Landmark zoning decision incentivizes affordable housing and removes setback restrictions, with no special permit required for buildings under 75,000 square feet.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for March 2025 details a major policy headwind from the Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission that will come to blows if more people don’t start talking.
Networked geothermal projects like Eversource’s Framingham pilot get an important boost via the state’s new climate law.
These fraudulent numbers look exactly like social security numbers and may even pull up a credit score for potential renters. But using them to hide the truth is unlawful.
Senator Keenan has sponsored legislation that would make rental housing much safer by allowing landlords to properly enforce no-smoking rental agreements.
Our Letter from the Executive Director for February 2025 reviews the ongoing work we’re doing with information systems, a grant application and a fire safety bill.
In Ndoro v. Torres, a judge ruled the tenant did not have a claim under the state’s consumer protection laws. That determination was reversed upon appeal by the tenant.
The WHA cited untenable costs for the agency and for clients in ending its policy. We want your thoughts on security deposits.
By signing the legislature’s economic development bill into law, Gov. Healey codifies sweeping protections for one specific nonprofit, operated by one of her most loyal donors.