Letter from the Executive Director for February 2016

Now that we've closed the books for 2015 we can evaluate whether our strategy is working. In case you haven't heard, our strategy is:

  1. Offer landlords and their service providers (plumbers, attorneys, realtors) services they want to pay for, and
  2. Grow to a legislatively effective size.

In this way we can all be more successful in our businesses. And together we can reverse the long-standing, anti-landlord climate in Massachusetts. In January we started using our new tagline:

"The largest non-profit for Massachusetts landlords.
We help landlords. We also advocate for better laws."

So how are we doing in this mission? I’m happy to inform you that all our critical metrics are increasing. As of the last time I checked, we had over 1,070 members. Our flagship meetings in Worcester are getting consistently high attendance and feedback. We're taking advantage of our member discounts like Home Depot savings. And, most significantly of all, revenue was up 74% in 2015 compared to 50% growth in 2014. We're accelerating, and this is proof.

We aim to build the first professionally staffed trade association for landlords in Massachusetts. "Professional staffing" means the people who help us can also help themselves by making a living. That's the path to stability.

Professional staffing takes us out of the cycle of volunteer ups-and-downs. It helps us head off political crises. Since we started moving toward this new vision, we've gone from a club to a real possibility with process, repeatability, and a growing measure of stability.

I will not say we have arrived. For we have a long way yet to go. But the strategy is working.

Doug Quattrochi
Executive Director
C: 617-285-7255



