COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium


This survey closed April 23 at 1:10pm. Thank you for participating!

Results published at "Eviction Moratorium Survey Results: 22% of Providers Unable to Pay for Housing".


Indicate agreement on a scale of 0 to 100.

Agree or disagree with each statement below on a scale of 0 “disagree with all my heart” to 100 “agree with all my heart”. “50” means pure indifference. You don't need to fill in every answer. The questions you leave blank won't be impacted one way or another.

Your answers are timestamped. When we analyze the results, we will know when your answers were given. Return to update this survey (change your answers) whenever you please.

Assume the Eviction Moratorium Passes/Stays in Effect

The full text of the eviction moratorium bill is H4647. For questions that ask about the future, answer assuming the bill passes into law/remains in effect as written.

My March rents were fully paid.
My April rents are fully paid.
My May rents will be fully paid.
I will be able to pay all of my bills this year.
I will have to file one or more evictions as soon as the moratorium ends.
I will still be in the business of providing housing at the end of this year.
Stopping evictions and foreclosures makes sense from a public health point of view.
I support the eviction and foreclosure moratorium as written.
Use this space to add anything else (please be brief).


Property Rights Supporter


