Greendale Mall Auctioned after Foreclosure
.After a month’s delay of the auction, the former Simon Mall property known as the Greendale Mall, was sold back to its mortgage holder, Seyfarth Shaw, LLP, on June 22 for $11.8M, according to MassLive.

The 7 Neponset Rd. property, built in 1987, boasts 21 acres and nearly 310,000 square feet of retail space. Potential buyers said the almost $12M bid was too high to challenge, especially with the necessary updating, according to the Telegram.

The buyers who were outbid seem to think it’ll be back for sale soon, say they are still interested in the property. An attorney from Seyfarth Shaw’s Boston office did not give details on its plans for the mall, according to the Boston Business Journal.
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