Rooming Houses and Renting by the Room

This presentation reviews the difference between a roommate and a lodger. You need a license for one but not the other. We contrast both with normal tenancies and with special situations. We explain:

  • Separate vs. joint-and-several rental agreements.
  • Sanitary code requirements with shared kitchens and bathrooms.
  • What makes a lodging house?
  • Licensing and zoning restrictions on lodging houses.
  • Agency as leaseholder and congregate housing.
  • And more!

Attendees will learn how to compliantly rent to different individuals or groups. This helps all kinds of households get and keep affordable housing.

A woman in sneakers stands in a shared kitchen with two refrigerators, stove, sink, busy countertop and table.
Rooming houses come in all shapes and sizes, but what are the differences between roommates, a lodging house and a standard rental?

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MassLandlords is a nonprofit dedicated to helping owners rent their property. Presenters are not necessarily vetted by MassLandlords. Although we try to offer the best possible advice, we recommend you consult an attorney or tax accountant before you alter your business processes.

Event resources are available only for members in good standing who are logged in.

This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.



