Statewide Virtual Meeting Wed Dec 9: Asset Strategy and Capital Gain Tax Strategies for Landlords

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At MassLandlords we emphasize the positive can-do. But we also need to teach the full life cycle of rental real estate ownership, including asset reallocation, down-sizing, and possibly even selling out. Even if you are committed to holding your properties through the pandemic (we hope you are), it's good to know your options. Thinking about retirement is also a good reason to attend. This presentation will start with a quick recap of Section 1031 exchanges, which can be used to sell your current rental real estate and defer capital gains tax. (This is not our detailed Section 1031 presentation.) We'll talk about Delaware Statutory Trusts, which are passive, fractional ways of owning real estate while conducting a 1031 exchange. We'll also review the Qualified Opportunity Zone, another IRS tax code that you could use to potentially defer your capital gains taxes after a sale (can be a sale of business, stocks, real estate, etc.). We'll review these different capital gains strategies and educate you on available options. These strategies could potentially help you now or sometime in the future. We have seen many examples where a landlord does not know all their capital gain options and finds out about them after it's too late due to certain time limits on both.
kent fitzpatrick asset strategy
Kent Fitzpatrick of Asset Strategy
sean whalen asset strategy
Sean Whalen of Asset Strategy
Part of this presentation will be given by Kent Fitzpatrick of Asset Strategy. Kent A. Fitzpatrick, AIFA®, GFS®, CBFA is an Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst™ from the Center for Fiduciary Studies, a Global Financial Steward and a Certified Behavioral Finance Analyst. He has over 25 years of experience in financial planning, estate planning and investment advice. His focus at the firm includes providing comprehensive, customized investment advisory services, as well as counseling clients on asset allocation and investment strategies. Kent is a graduate of St. Anselm College with a BA in Economics. Part of this presentation will be given by Sean Whalen of Asset Strategy. Sean Whalen, CFP®, MSF is the Director of Private Wealth and Senior Consultant at Asset Strategy. He has 20+ years of experience in investment management, risk management, budgeting, financial planning, and capital gain strategies. He formerly worked at Morgan Stanley and Santander Investment Services. He holds a Master of Science in Finance degree from Brandeis University. Contact us to learn more about our team.  

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"No Sales Pitch" Guarantee

MassLandlords offers attendees of directly managed events a "No Sales Pitch" guarantee. If a guest speaker offers services, their presentation will not discuss pricing, promotions, or reasons why you should hire them. We do not permit speakers to pay for or sponsor events. Guest speakers are chosen for their expertise and willingness to present helpful educational content. Your purchase of an event ticket sustains our nonprofit model.

Open to attendees statewide

This event is regionally branded in keeping with a local tradition. This region used to meet in-person on this day at this time. You are welcome to participate in this virtual meeting no matter where you are in the state.

Wednesday, December 9th

Virtual Meeting Agenda

  • 5:00pm Sign-in and virtual networking: you can chit chat with others as people log in
  • 5:40pm Business Update
  • 6:00pm Asset strategy and reallocation
  • 7:00pm Virtual meeting ends

Participation is Easy

As a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, our events have been replaced by webinars or virtual meetings held during the traditional event time for each former location:
  • Virtual meetings include optional audience participation via video, phone, and screenshare and are not recorded.
  • Webinars have limited participation options (typed questions only) and are recorded.
Our virtual registration desk is open for all events one hour starting 30 minutes prior to the event start time. Call 774-314-1896 or email for live, real-time help signing in and using your technology. If joining a virtual meeting, please use the zoom "test audio" feature. You will be allowed to talk to others if your microphone is good and there is no background noise. We reserve the right to mute anyone for any reason. Attendees without a microphone or who don't want to be heard can type questions.

Virtual Meeting Details (hosted by Zoom)

We will share our video, audio, and computer screen and slides.
  • Optional: You can share your video with everyone, talk to everyone, and type chat with everyone. Video sharing is not required. Talking is not required.
Password will be emailed and viewable online.

Topic: Asset Strategy and Reallocation Virtual Meeting Dec 9, 2020 Time: Dec 9, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 7611 1312 Passcode: Will be emailed and viewable online. Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 857 7611 1312 Passcode: Will be emailed and viewable online. Find your local number:


Open to the public. Membership is not required!
  • Contemporaneous participation:
    • Public: $10
    • Members: $7
    • Premium Members: No charge and no need to register. Click here for meeting details and password.
This event will not be recorded. Slides and handouts if any will be uploaded to Asset Strategy and Reallocation.

Click here to purchase tickets for this event

This event is operated by MassLandlords staff. Want to speak at a MassLandlords meeting? Submit a speaker request. This is part of the Worcester rental real estate networking and training series. Suggest and vote for future meeting topics. Google calendar users: add our event calendar to your own. iPhone & iPad users: add our event calendar to iCal.


2 Responses to Statewide Virtual Meeting Wed Dec 9: Asset Strategy and Capital Gain Tax Strategies for Landlords

    • Jillian Campayno says:

      Hi Deborah,

      Virtual Meetings are not recorded but any slides / materials posted will be posted to the site address listed at the bottom of the event listing within a week.

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