Domestic Violence: How to Support Renters Who Become Victims

This presentation advises landlords on how to support victims of domestic violence (both current and prospective renters). According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, more than 10 million men and women are physically abused by their intimate partner each year in the U.S. We cover this subject in-depth with a focus on rental property operations:

  • Brief overview of domestic violence:
    • What does it mean?
    • What are the impacts? How many of us are affected?
  • What signs indicate an intervention may be required?
  • What happens if a landlord doesn't act?
  • What can and should a landlord do?
  • How can you support a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault?
  • Can you lock out one renter to protect another?

Domestic violence and sexual assault are never the survivor's fault, but the survivor is often the one who suffers the legal and housing consequences. Landlords may feel the need to file a for-cause eviction to keep the peace with neighboring residents. This is far from the optimal course of action for all concerned.

Learn how to discuss domestic violence with current and prospective renters and which actions to take to ensure safe and healthy housing for all residents. Even if you do not currently have a renter who is a victim of domestic violence, this training will prepare you to recognize the signs and act when needed.

Presentation: Domestic Violence: How to Support Renters who are Survivors

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MassLandlords is a nonprofit dedicated to helping owners rent their property. Presenters are not necessarily vetted by MassLandlords. Although we try to offer the best possible advice, we recommend you consult an attorney or tax accountant before you alter your business processes.


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This is part of our Statewide Rental Real Estate Networking and Training series.



