2,473 Members
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Videos and Members-only Resources
Watch past events, learn about the laws, and access spreadsheets you can build on like our heat pump vs. furnace calculator.
In-depth news, tips and tricks emailed monthly and available as PDF.
Defense Fund
Limited interest-free loans to cover attorney fees if the state is making you bankrupt.
Search eviction records by address
Conduct rental real estate due diligence or cross-check your tenant screening.
Service Provider Directory
Search for service providers or be listed as one (attorneys, snow removal, property managers, brokers, plumbers, electricians and much more).
Rental Forms
Complete set of downloadable, customizable forms covering every step of the rental business: applicant screening, rental agreements, notice to quit, background checks – 50+ forms available.
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Banker & Tradesman
Save 30% on a subscription to Banker & Tradesman.
Home Depot Savings
Save on average 16% at Home Depot stores and online, all departments including kitchen and bath, lumber, flooring, plumbing, paint and more.
Entity Formation Savings
Create LLC's or Inc's for a low, members-only fixed price via New Leaf Legal.
Credit Reporting
Avoid court with RentHelper, a rent collection platform that reports for good and bad credit.
Credit Screening Discount
Save on SmartScreen credit reports.
Membership for Your Entire Team
One dues payment covers as many team members as you need to run your business.
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Access to Off-market Properties
Opt-in to a private message board specifically for members to discuss off-market real estate opportunities.
Message Boards and Facebook Group
24/7 access to Massachusetts landlords for advice and/or to contribute your professional expertise.
Networking and Training
Collaborate, network and learn through videos, plus online and in-person events.
Policy Advocacy
Better rental housing for all.
Legal Standing
Vote in either statewide or local MassLandlords elections, serve on boards, and be represented in policy discussions with local and state officials.
Certification Program
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Brand Promotion
MassLandlords promotes your status as Certified Massachusetts Landlord™.
Be a Certified Massachusetts Landlord™
Our professional designation proves you know rental housing.
Paid Add-ons
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One-on-one landlording advice and legal information (available for purchase hourly as-needed or prepaid for a year).
Property Rights Supporter
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Owners, managers and investors love us
2,473 Members as of March 4 and Counting

"I needed specialized help with old siding. I joined MassLandlords, posted on the message board, and found the help I needed in the first reply."
Greg Heitman, West Boylston
Greg Heitman, West Boylston

"Once I got beyond one or two properties, I wasn't just the 'one property, owner occupy' walking up and down the stairs to fix the sink. MassLandlords' pathway to professional landlordship through networking, education, and resourcing has been critical for me."
Steffen Landrum, Boston
Steffen Landrum, Boston

"I have three buildings which were financed by Masslandlords members I met at events. The connections I have made over the years have literally been priceless."
Russell Sabadosa, East Longmeadow
Russell Sabadosa, East Longmeadow

On the value of events and message boards: "The cheapest way to learn is from someone else's mistakes."
Jane Gasek, Worcester
Jane Gasek, Worcester

"An elderly tenant was showing signs of dementia, and I wasn't sure what I could do. The MassLandlords Helpline provided a quick and cost-effective way to approach the problem with resources and steps to take."
Erin Zamarro, Worcester

"It feels good to be a Certified Massachusetts Landlord™. I advertise this to prospective tenants!"
Jamie Thompson, Medford
Jamie Thompson, Medford

"My name is Cesar Segura, had been with MassLandlords for 2 years, I came to them thru a fellow experienced Landlord’s referral, and from day one I joined, when the meeting was in person, I started to learn from day one, I am a new Landlord with 0 experience in business, and thanks to them, to Naomie for always been so accurate and prompt responses when we need to reach her, to the RentHelper service that had been great for me and my tenants, for Peter Shapiro, all the counseling received from him, every penny paid to be a MassLandlord member is well worth it, in every forum I participate I always recommend Landlords to join the MassLandlords team."
Cesar Segura, Brockton
Cesar Segura, Brockton

"I am always glad to get my MassLandlords magazine. I save them because I have
found that I need to go back to an article. For example, I recently had a hoarder as
one of my tenants. I remembered that I had seen an article about hoarding in one of
the issues. I found it and read it and leaned about hoarding. It helped me deal with
the problem I had. That is just one example. In addition to helpful articles, there is in
the back of each issue a listing of all of the regional meetings--dates, agendas and cost.
This magazine is a great resource. Read it!!"
Allyson Gray, Brookline
Allyson Gray, Brookline