Benefits is for landlords and service providers to landlords.
Landlords can trust the information provided on We get our content from landlords, service providers and attorneys with years of experience actively working in Massachusetts. was initially launched by the Worcester Property Owners Association, one of the oldest landlord organizations in the state, and has grown into an organization that connects landlords all over the state. When you become a MassLandlords member, you tell us what's important to you, not the other way around. We take member surveys about important issues and let our members know the results. For example: MassLandlords Members Agree on Security Deposits, Rent Escrow; Disagree on Other Issues. We're actively working towards better rental housing in Massachusetts and educating our members on how to be successful in their rental business pursuits.
Service providers like contractors and attorneys can get their message to business-minded owners of residential real estate.
We keep our membership prices low because we want to encourage as many as possible to join. There is strength in numbers, especially when we negotiate for group discounts or advocate for new public policy.
Benefits for Landlords:
- Rental forms: Download a complete set of up-to-date rental forms (applications, leases, notices to quit, and more)
- Home Depot Savings:
- 20% off paint
- All purchases over $1,000 eligible for bid room discounts
- Service Provider Directory: Search for service providers or be listed as one (electricians, managers, realtors, attorneys, plumbers, snow removers, and much, much more).
- Videos of past meetings.
- Analysis of the laws.
- Monthly newsletter with in-depth articles.
- Resources like the CFL vs LED calculator.
- Message board for 24/7 access to Massachusetts landlords for advice and/or to contribute your professional expertise.
- Networking and education meetings held in Cambridge, Waltham, Worcester, Springfield, Marlborough, and Southbridge.
- Tenant Screening: Save on SmartScreen credit reports.24/7 access to local landlords and service providers via a private message board

A landlord shared this picture with us as they prepared to rent their apartment using only forms. (Our forms can be customized to suit or used nearly as-is; anywhere you should change something we highlight it.)
A portion of your membership dues will go to support fair-minded public policy advocacy. The landlord tenant laws in Massachusetts can be better for everyone concerned. So not only will you be improving your own business with what you learn here, but also you'll be helping to make Massachusetts the fairest place in the country to be a landlord or a tenant.
Watch testimonials from Worcester Property Owners Association members (recorded before the launch of
Read member testimonials.
Benefits for Attorneys, Contractors, and Service Providers:
- Participate in our message board to respond to landlord requests for help
- Be discovered in our directory
- Network at local meetings
- Showcase your brand and messaging with ads in our newsletter and on our website
- Sponsor local events

We provide a directory for landlords to share their recommendations. We have a moderated feedback process to make sure that all directory referrals are high quality.
"My previous tenant left a lot of trash in my neighbor's yard when she moved out. The neighbor threw back all the trash to my property. I texted her [my former tenant] and mentioned I will put her name on the [] forum. She responded to my text and she said she would try to clean it up ASAP but I didn’t believe it. Yesterday I went there to check and all the trash was gone!" -Hoang
"I got a new heating system [for free] using a program I heard about at a meeting." -Phil
"You can never get enough education as a member...we are all in the similar boat and i'm not sure if it is good for anyone to think 20 plus year veterans have a magic bullet...they are in court frequently as they are, education.." -Peter
"I just reread the article. Criminal background only covers 46 states [not Mass]. I had no idea. Thank you. So important. I really appreciate you making us aware of this." -Elaine
"Thank you sooooo much for the referral. I’ve been comforted by [landlord] Jane's words of wisdom 'the 1st eviction is the hardest'. The thought of paying them ... to move out is sickening yet made me realize I really need legal help." -Karen
"The website, in a word, is GREAT!! A very professional appearance with intuitive links to information pertinent to landlord issues." -Ron
"I did not know Mass Landlords existed! Now I am a big fan. Thank you for the partnership, thank you for the forms and information and thank you for the access to other landlords etc." -Phill
"The brochure [newsletter] was actually fabulous. The amount of information!" -Bill
"I have personally meet Doug [the Executive Director] on several occasions and have exchanged countless emails and phone calls building a high level of trust on our [landlords'] common goals and interests." -Russell
"Thank the organization and you for making these wonderful forms available!" -Gary
"Just wanted to thank you for the fantastic job you guys are doing." -Jim
"Thanks for sending the link to the forms. What a great resource!" -Yvonne
"I only have a 3 decker and I live in one of those units. But I like to support the organization with my membership and I also read your newsletters with scrutiny to keep myself out of trouble. ;-)" -Joan
"Thank you thank you thank you :-)" [RE: help from message board with tenant dispute] -Alejandra
"Well, now that I shoveled my flat(ish) roof, I'm not sure my sore back is thanking you.. 🙂 But seriously - I appreciate the push [the message board alert]. I didn't watch the weather so didn't know about the upcoming issues [rain after heavy snow]. I can sleep well tonight knowing the tenants and the building is safe. Thanks again." -Scott
"I always enjoy my time with the WPOA []." - Brian (service provider)
"I do appreciate all that you do to protect the rights of citizens to own and rent property. Freedom is just another thing to loose. Keep up the great work." -Richard
"MassLandlord/SPOA very easy going to feel warm and humanistic. Thanks a lot and we keep going forward. Cheers and happy spring." -Bob
"I wish I had joined sooner! Some of the concerns raised by other landlords I also share." -Mary
"What a great response I got from our fellow landlords [via the message board]...all very helpful.." -Andriana
"We were members of the WPOA for a few years after we bought our properties in 2003. It was really helpful to us as first time landlords. This second go round is very impressive with its upgrade using today's technology. From the guest speakers, the meeting location (with great meals), the website filled with resources, and the Google Group to ask questions of the other members, etc., you've made it a professional group. You run a good ship and we are glad we rejoined." -Amy
"That was incredibly helpful, and clearly explained [re: how to raise the rent]. Thanks so much for your help!" -Tim
"The newsletter looks great, and I’m glad we have another newsletter in this state [besides SPOA] with good draftsmanship and quality articles." -Skip
"I have been in the real estate business for over 50 years and this is a terrific web site." -Jim
"not quite sure how I was able to navigate as a landlord before joining MassLandlords!" -Tim
"Thank you very much for your help and guidance! Your website is awesome and SUCH a help!" -Kara
"Thank you, you were very helpful [in reference to the service provider directory]." -Claire
"I found your website to be a fantastic resource." -Michael
"WAHOOO!" -Jini
"Thank you all for the feedback and info, it is so…so helpful!! I am loving this group [forum] already. I will probably post another question today in a separate string because I need tenant screening advice." -Courtney
"As a new member, I’m finding your organization incredibly helpful!" -Joann
"I am an out of town landlord and attended my first meeting last night. I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was with everything from the meeting location, the people in attendance and especially with the speakers. To have not one but two judges come out and speak to landlords is truly remarkable. The entire evening was filled with very informative information and I commend you and the entire organization." -Ron
"As a member let me first say how thankful I am of the resources I've found so far! Great stuff!" -Craig
"This is the course I've been waiting for for fifty years." -Mary, at the April 2017 crash course